Want to sell your stuff but have limited capital or no time??
We offer co-sharing of our bazaar stall/push cart and even help you to tend your stall.
As we are renting stalls/push carts, we are offering sharing of table or rack at a reasonable rates. You can leave your product with us on the first day and we will be looking after your products and help with the sales. You just need to come at the end of the bazaar to collect your earnings and your products. We will sms or email you daily on your sales and stock level.
Is a simple and hassel free way to earn money and test market your product.
Reason to take up this offer:
- No deposit
- No commission taken from your sales
- Freedom to sell anything (except illegal stuff, F&B & any other items specifically prohibited by the organiser)
- No effort required on your part, we can help to tend and sell your product
- We will update sales at end of each day
- You are welcome to visit the stall anytime and have some fun
- Low cost & low risk
- We are flexible to different arrangement
Do e-mail us directly at egeeshop@gmail.com if you are interested and we will keep you posted if there's any availability.